Intraoperative Vertebroplasty with Calcium Sulfate Pallets(Osteoset ) for Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture: Technical Note |
Ji Young Jeon, M.D., Koang Hum Bak, M.D., Jin Hwan Cheong, M.D., Jae Min Kim, M.D.,Choong Hyun Kim, M.D. and Seong Hoon Oh, M.D. |
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea |
방출성 흉요추부 골절에서 Calicium Sulfate Pallet(Osteoset )을 이용한 수술 중 척추 성형술: 술식 보고 |
전지영,백광흠,정진환,김재민,김충현,오성훈 |
한양대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective We report the experiences of intraoperative vertebroplasty with calcium sulfate pallets(Osteoset ) inserted into the vertebral body through the pedicle in thoracolumbar burst fracture during open surgery.
Methods Ten cases of thoracolumbar burst fractures were operated with transpedicular screw fixation and intraoperative vertebroplasty with Osteoset . Osteoset was inserted through 6mm cannulas in the pedicles of the fractured vertebra bilaterally under fluoroscopic control. All the patients were followed up at least 6 months. Postoperative radilogic evaluation was taken regularly.
Results There were 6 men and 4 women with average age of 38.3 years old. The fractured level was T12 in 5 cases, L1 in 3 cases, T11, L3 in 1 case each. The average amount of inserted Osteoset was 9.5cc. The immediate postoperative CT scans showed no case of pallet spillage into spinal canal. The intramedullary bone formation could be seen in all cases. The average preoperative kyphosis angle was 23 and maintained at 12 on the last follow up measurement. There was no case of implant-related complication.
Conclusions Osteoset inserted through the pedicle showed satisfactory union in the vertebral body and augmented anterior column deficit in thoracolumbar burst fractures. Other osteoconductive fusion substitute can be tried in the future.
Calcium sulfateㆍSpinal fusionㆍOsteoconductionㆍVertebral fractureㆍVertebroplasty |