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Korean J Spine Search


The Uppermost Cervical Disc Herniation - Two Cases Report -
Han-Yoo Seong, M.D., Hong-Bo Sim, M.D., Soon-Chan Kweon, M.D., Young Kim, M.D., In-Uk Lyo, M.D.
Department of Neurosurgery, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan University School of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea
최상위 경추부 추간판 탈출증 - 2례 보고 -
울산대학교병원 신경외과학교실
The authors report two cases of C2-3 disc herniation after trivial trauma in relatively young adult. They were a 36-year-old male and 45-year male with a herniated disc at C2-3 that had migrated rostrally. They are complained severe neck pain and suboccipital pain, but have no myelopathic symptoms. The patients underwent surgery via anterior cervical discectomy with fusion. Postoperatively, the patient's radicular pain resolved immediately and completely. One patient had postoperative hypo- glossal nerve paresis, that recovered spontaneously within a few weeks. The authors reviewed the case and relevant literature.
Keywords: Cervical spine

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