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Department of Neurosurgery, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Woong-Kyu Jang, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(4):262-263.
Analysis of International Journals for the Spinal Disorders
Sang-Dae Kim, M.D., and Jung-Yul Park, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(4):256-261.
Herpes Zoster Related Radiculopathy Mimicking Herniated Nucleus Pulposus - A Case Report -
Young Jin Lee, M.D., Mou Seop Lee, M.D., Young Gyu Kim, M.D., and Dong Ho Kim, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(4):250-252.
Ventral Transdural Spinal Cord Herniation - Case Report and Review of the Literature -
Ji Young Cho, M.D., Seung Chul Rhim, M.D., Sang Ryong Jeon, M.D., and Sung Woo Roh, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(4):246-249.
Clinical Applications of Human Bone Marrow Progenitors for augmenting Spinal Fusion
Jae Young Choi, M.D., Jong Baeck Lim, M.D., and Kyeong Hoon Sung, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(3):191-195.
Multiple Spinal Ossifications in a Patient with Scleromyxedema
Suk Han, M.D., Se Hoon Kim, M.D., Jae Young Choi, M.D., and Kyeong Hoon Sung, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(3):183-186.
Carbon Debris Particles in the Dura after Lumbar Fusion with a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Implant Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Implant - A Case Report -
Heum Dai Kwon, M.D., Yong Eun Cho, M.D. Hyung Sik Hwang, M.D., Seung Myung Moon, M.D., and Sun Kil Choi, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(3):179-182.
Idiopathic Spinal Epidural Lipomatosis - A Case Report -
Sung-Ho Park, M.D., Sung-Woo Roh, M.D.., and Kyeong-Hoon Sung, M.D.
Neurospine. 2006;3(2):99-101.
Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Malformation Associated with Spinal Aneurysm Presenting with Intracranial Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - A Case Report -
Ki-Hong Kim, M.D. Seong-Hyun Park, M.D. Yong-Sun Kim, M.D. Joo-Kyung Sung, M.D. In-Suk Hamm, M.D. Yeun-Mook Park, M.D..
Neurospine. 2005;2(2):176-179.
Clinical Characteristics of Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis
Young-Hoon Jun, M.D., Sang-Dae Kim, M.D., Jung-Yul Park, M.D., Se-Hoon Kim, M.D., Juno Park, M.D., Dong-Joon Lim, M.D., Heung-Seob Chung, M.D.
Neurospine. 2005;2(2):138-143.
Lumbar Nerve Root Compression Caused by Postoperative Intraspinal Gas Bubble - Case Report -
Hyo Joon Kim, M.D., Dong Ah Shin, M.D., Dong Gyu Shin M.D. and Chang Young Kwon, M.D.
Neurospine. 2004;1(3):379-382.
Treatment Outcome by the Modified Classification of Spinal Cord Vascular Lesions
Yeun-Ho Jung, M.D., Seong-Hyun Park, M.D. and Joo-Kyung Sung, M.D.
Neurospine. 2004;1(3):328-335.
Coil Embolization for Retroperitoneal Hematoma due to Injury of the L4 Segmental Artery in Posterior Lumbar Fusion
Bang-Hoon Lee, M.D., Jin-Young Youm, M.D., Seung-Won Choi, M.D.,Seon-Hwan Kim, M.D. and Hyen-Song Koh, M.D.
Neurospine. 2004;1(1):137-140.

Editorial Office
Department of Neurosurgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center,
CHA University School of Medicine,
59 Yatap-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam 13496, Korea
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The Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society
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